Tuesday, December 14, 2010

So I've been reminded that I have not been faithfully posting new things on my lovely blog here and I have two things to say in my defense.
1: the blog was made for man. not man for the blog. You may not get that, but its ok.
2: I dont have any kids, or a job and I almost never take pictures. So unless you're looking for my latest Christmas shopping victory or my commentary on reruns of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, you may be disappointed in what I have to say.

However I'm sure I can think of something to say here. Just give me a minute...

Yeah I've really got nothing. But I do promise to look out for good, blog-worthy stories and fill you all in.


  1. hahaha! I feel so honored!

    I promise, when you keep a diligent blog, you find so many more opportunities for pictures!
