Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Magic of Fall

Here's to my second weekly post in a row!  Thank you, thank you!

Not very much to report this week.  But I'm sure that will change soon enough :)

Last Sunday night Brent taught me the card game Magic.  Very nerdy, very fun, kind of hard. Basically I agreed to this because it is something he enjoys and it's good to do stuff like that together I guess?  But I actually had fun.  Not omg-we-we-should-play-this-all-the-time fun, but maybe yeah-we-could-play-this-again-someday fun.  Big difference.  Plus I know he was going easy on me and in all honesty I'm terrified of playing him for real.

Took a quick weekend trip up to the valley to see family which was of course very fun.  A little rushed as always but totally worth it.

Love this time of year, especially in Tucson you can already see the little changes in the seasons that must be invisible to anyone looking for changing leaves and cooler weather.  But the fact that at night it cools off significantly and the wind seems to be much more active.  And the air just smells clean.  The promise of fall weather is so exciting and I completely love it!

And really, that is all I can say today!  See, not much.  I'm sure there will be better posts eventually, y'all just have to bear with me!



  1. I totally applauded so I'm so glad you graciously said thank you. Love it. I love when you write.
