Sunday, March 6, 2011

My New Hair

Ok well thanks for all your votes everyone! Thanks to one of my great friends that got married this weekend and another great friend who took the pictures at the wedding, I have some cute pictures of my Hair. Thanks to Mallory for making me look skinny and Brent look normal ;)

Ok well We don't look so normal here but its a great shot.

So rather than going for the hombre look i got some basic highlights. However we went much lighter than I've ever been. I am really happy with it! So thanks everyone!


  1. So cute!!! I LOVE! Glad to hear you had fun at a wedding (and even more glad to hear that your car made it there and back!). My mom is coming into town for a week on Tuesday so I won't be at girl's night but I'll miss ya and see you next sunday!

  2. I think it looks awesome Tiffany!! Totally beautiful. Hope you guys are doing well and you are liking the new job and everything :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Reasons why I am glad I "happened" upon your blog:
    1. My hair needs a change. I don't enjoy doing the research to figure out what I want. You just did it for me! These are the hairstyles I love. Your hair looks great & you've inspired me.
    2. I (like you) enjoy catching up with old friends...that's what I gathered anyway, by your FB post that is a few posts down.
    3. I've always liked you :)
    ***Did you know my mom has always loved you? She would always ask me why I don't hang out with that Lloyd girl more. I shoulda listened to her.
    P.S. This is Megan Shill, incase you are wondering who the heck this is.

  5. i love you and cant believe i didn't know about your blog!!!!!!!!!!!! miss you tiff!
