Friday, December 16, 2011

Way 2: Acknowledge

Yep, still behind.  But its actually worked out well, because today is a perfect time for me to be writing about our 2nd way of Christmas: Acknowledge.  As we remembered the past and the gifts we have been given it is important, then, to recognize and acknowledge those who gave those gifts.

Things in the Houston home have been a little tight this year, especially as the semester is winding down and we are at the end of our student loans.  In addition, my 2 months between jobs and multiple car breakdowns have just about squeezed all we had out of us.

To help us hedge against this kind of thing we have been budgeting and using the envelope system where possible.  So for Christmas we had a nice envelope with the cash we were using for gifts.  I have carried it with me when I went shopping and kept it safe.  About a week ago we finished shopping for other family members and were down to our last $100.00 just to spend on the two of us. Its much more than we spent last year, but as we had saved it up for this purpose, I was excited that we could give each other nice gifts this year.

As I have said, money has been tight, and the less we touch our bank account, the better. So when, 2 days ago, I was at Costco, and had rung up a bill that was more than I planned on, (doesn't that always happen at Costco?) I reached for that envelope thinking it would be great to break up that large bill so it would be easier to use as I looked for Brent's gift(s).

The envelope was gone.

I had just seen it that morning in my purse at work, so I knew I hadn't left it at home.  I thought back to my steps throughout the day, did I ever take the envelope out? No. Did I ever leave my purse unattended? No.  Could I have dropped it somewhere?  Maybe.  But after walking aisle by aisle through all of Costco, the long walk through the parking lot, and about an hour of walking around the mall after work, I knew it would be almost impossible to find it.

I immediately called Loft to see if they could find it and they could not.  I went to customer service at Costco to see if anyone had turned in found money and they hadn't.  At this point I started going into minor shock.

How could I have lost $100.00?  Even in the best of circumstances that's a lot of money.  In our circumstances its too much to lose.  Of course I left my name and phone number at Costco, and drove straight back to the mall where I searched my locker at work and retraced my steps as much as possible.  No luck.

At this point maybe you are thinking now what I was thinking then:  "I'll go home and in my mailbox there will be some unexpected check for exactly $100.00 just waiting."  I mean only a week before we had declared ourselves full tithe payers and isn't that how the Lord works sometimes?

This is not one of those stories, but stick with me, it's a happy one.

So last night as we were in bed talking before we fell asleep, I told Brent how frustrated I was.  Why is it that since we have been married we can't seem to keep any savings?  Why is it that as soon as we start feeling a bit secure, disaster strikes?  Why can't we be one of those stories where the needed funds magically appear? Do blessings really come because of righteousness?  If so what have we been doing so wrong?

I even had the thought that maybe, I dropped the envelope and someone who really needed it found it.  But why would God use a poor man to care for a pauper?  I couldn't believe that.

Brent's advice was sound.  It always is.  He reminded me that we obey the law of tithing, not for the "blessings" we receive, but because it is a law. He told me that I should not only think about my frustrations and questions, but that I should study and pray about them.

So this morning when I woke up the first thing I did was go to and begin studying obedience.  I really love their study notebook and I was excited to use it!  As I did I came across a scripture I have read many times and it took new meaning for me.

  Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:
  And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.
  And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:
  And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it. 
                                                                                     Matthew 7:24-27

Through obedience, we are not promised that the weather will be fair.  We are not told that there will be no storm.  But through the torrent and the darkness we are promised that our foundation will be sure, and that our "house" will not fall.

This is a promise that has been kept.  We may not have excess right now, but we have enough.  We have shelter and food and many luxuries.  We each have jobs.  We have an awesome family.  We have the solid foundation of the gospel and we have each other.

Today's way of Christmas, to acknowledge is more than to simply remember and it is a step past recognizing.  It is to see the good in your life and to show gratitude to those who gave it goodness.  It can be done in many ways.  By thanking someone who has blessed you.  By resolving to make use of the gift.  By changing our attitude and behaviors.  Today, as we keep Christmas, I challenge you to acknowledge one gift or giver today.  Merry Christmas!



  1. I really like this one. I'd never thought of that scripture like that before either, but it's so true.

    We're actually a lot worse off now than we were a few months ago, because we've fallen back on our credit cards again as our money has run out. Luckily, Brandon has started back up full time, and we should be able to work it back again soon.

    I wish I had a hundred dollars to give you guys, I'm so sorry that happened. I'm glad you learned something from it, but I know it doesn't make it much easier to bear. Love you!
