Friday, November 5, 2010

Day 3:

Well its technically day three although i haven't slept from day two yet. But I was on the computer working on something else so i wanted to do this before i call it a night.
I think most people I know already know that we have been trying to get pregnant for the last five and a half months. Not forever, I know but it feels long to me. I've decided that I would rather have people know that we're trying so I don't have to explain why I'm not pregnant constantly. It has been surprising, somewhat scary and sometimes a relief that it has taken us so long.
But the thing I'm grateful for tonight is that Brent and I are still just Brent and I for now. I want to stop and smell the roses a little bit. Enjoy that we can sleep in and stay up late when we want. Sometimes we have things we need to work out and I"m glad we have time to do that too. I'm grateful that we can laugh and play on our own time and not some little tyke's. And lets be honest, its nice to be able to have sex whenever we want too ;)
I am grateful for now to just be a wife and I am trying really, really hard to be a good one.