Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day 8: A Warm Bed is Always Cozy in the Winter

One of the most comforting things to me in life is consistency. Cinnamon toast is always good, My dog is always sweet. Brent always loves me (even when he may not like me), and a warm Bed is always cozy in the winter.

The reason I thought of this tonight is that as I was trying to think of a good topic for my Thanksgiving Gratitude Countdown (a new title as of now, I think its snazzy) I couldn't.

Now I've actually had a pretty great day. I Slept WAY in with Brent after staying up till 4am last night. I Had a great lunch with my awesome friends. I Made a Yummy gravy with the help and instruction of my brother in law "the Gravy King." And then I indulged in 2 hours of Hell's Kitchen.
But as great as all these things are I wanted something a bit deeper, more meaningful for today's post.

And the thought came to me that if I would read my scriptures, I would surely feel the spirit, be inspired, and feel a better sense of gratitude. I just knew it would work. It always does. So I flipped open my new copy of the November Ensign and tried to cheat. I looked up all the talk names for something I thought sounded like what I wanted to hear today. But nothing stood out to me so I decided, that like He always did, Heavenly Father knew what I needed most, so I would just leave it up to Him. I started at the very beginning and it worked just like I knew it would.

With greater reliability than cinnamon toast, the principles of the Gospel always hold true. No matter what I do or where I am, reading the words of God through His prophet always uplifts me. No matter what I'm feeling Heavenly Father always know what I need most. I know that the results will be consistent. Today I am grateful for that.


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