Wednesday, November 3, 2010

In the Spirit of Thanksgiving

I found this video on a friend's blog and wanted to post it here because it reminded me of what this month is all about.

And when I watched this video it inspired me to make this month on my blog all about thanksgiving. So for the next 3 weeks I am going to write about one thing each day that I am thankful for. In detail. I think I need a more grateful attitude and I think this will help.

Day 1: Today I want to tell you why I'm thankful for my country. It seems appropriate, seeing as we've just had the election yesterday. No matter your reaction to said election, It is always inspiring to remember that we have a very powerful ability to vote here. What a blessing!
only within the last hundred years was that right allowed to everyone here. And there are still places today where that right is ignored.
And to have a country that began, not with a simple take over bid, but with a constitution designing the policies and standards within, is also an amazing step in history. I wonder if the Romans sat, and planned how they could best serve the people they were controlling, before, or after their conquest.
A few years ago I knew an acquaintance who accused white Americans of having no culture, nothing of our own. I say our culture is that of democracy, of respecting God given rights, and of checking power of our own government. If we fall behind in arms races or technology races or whatever else. I hope our country will always lead the race in running a true democracy! I am thankful to be born and raised here in the United States of America.


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