Friday, November 12, 2010

Day 9: President Stewart's Funeral

I'm trying to multitask today while I write. I'm listening to the recording of my mission president's funeral. This is hard to do because I really want to just stop and listen, but if I do that I'll probably spend the rest of my time bawling and I don't really want that.

I really want to show you a picture I think captures him perfectly.

You can just see the love and fun in his eyes and His lovely wife Betty Lou. The Stewarts changed my life. They were incredible examples to me of, well everything good I can think of. He was only in his early seventies and it was a very unexpected loss. In fact I had almost called him the week before, but postponed it. In a funny way now that He's gone I feel his voice cheering me on like he did for most of my mission.

I know It was only a week ago that I spoke of my gratitude for the Temple as I attended my Sister in law's Sealing. President Stewart Passed away a few weeks ago, but listening this recording is bringing back such strong feelings of love for him that I want to say again how grateful I am for the blessings of eternal families. But that is not all.

Today I am so grateful for the plan that this man taught me how to teach. The plan that guarantees to me that I will see this man again.

One of the things I used to teach is that this Plan of Salvation is put into place because God has dreams for each of us, he has wonderful plans for us after this life. And just like the plans and the dreams that we each have here, in order to accomplish them, we must plan, prepare and work hard at it. And if we do we will come to find that not only God's, but all of our greatest dreams have come true.

This sounds a little corny maybe, highly optimistic at best. But I know that this is not just the stuff of church and fairytales, it's real. Its so real. I know it and I am grateful that I do.